Hip and Elbow Scheme Statistics

The GSDCA National Breed Commission provides regular summaries of Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Scheme results.

The Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme results are published each year, however no results of animals deemed to have failed the GSDCA HD/ED Control Schemes will be published.

The Hip Dysplasia Registrar will pass on all the required information to Canine Controls for those animals that have achieved an ‘A’ stamp classification. Fails will only be passed on if the animal is to be bred with and on the requirement of the Canine Control.

At the National Breed Commission Meeting each year a list of progeny result will be presented for the Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme.

Breed Hip Score
GSDCA Rolling 5 year Average

The latest release of statistics (June 2024)

Links for current results of hip and elbow data collected:


At the National Breed Commission Meeting each year a list of progeny results will be presented for the HD/ED Control Schemes results which is broken down into different categories those being:

  • Hips
    Progeny results for ALL sires with 10-19 progeny
    Progeny results for ALL sires with 20 plus progeny
    Progeny results for CURRENT sires with 10-19 progeny
    Progeny results for CURRENT sires with 20 plus progeny
  • Elbows
    Progeny results of ALL sires with more than ten progeny according to bloodlines
    Progeny results of ALL sires with more than ten progeny according to percentage of normal
    Progeny results of CURRENT sires with more than ten progeny according to bloodlines.
    Progeny results of CURRENT sires with more than ten progeny according to percentage of normal

2023 HD and ED Statistics (December)

2022 HD and ED Statistics (December)

Hip Dysplasia Sire Stats – 31 Dec 2022

Elbow Dysplasia Sire Stats – 31 Dec 2022

2021 HD and ED Statistics (December)

Hip Dysplasia Sire Stats – 31 Dec 2021

Elbow Dysplasia Sire Stats – 31 Dec 2021

2020 HD and ED Statistics (December)

Hip Dysplasia Sire Stats – 31 Dec 2020

Elbow Dysplasia Sire Stats – 31 Dec 2020

2019 HD and ED Statistics (December)

Hip Dysplasia Sire Stats – 31 Dec 2019 (Final)

Elbow Dysplasia Sire Stats – 31 Dec 2019 (Final)

2018 HD and ED Statistics (December)

GSDCA HD Control Scheme Statistics

GSDCA ED Control Scheme Statistics)

2017 HD and ED Statistics (December)

GSDCA HD Control Scheme Statistics

GSDCA ED Control Scheme Statistics

2016 HD and ED Statistics (December)

GSDCA ED Control Scheme Progeny statistics

GSDCA HD Control Scheme Progeny statistics

2015 HD and ED Statistics (December)

GSDCA Progeny results through the HD Control Scheme

GSDCA Elbow Progeny results Sires via Percentage Normal

2014 HD and ED Statistics (December)

GSDCA Progeny Hip Results
GSDCA Elbow Progeny results Sires via Percentage of Normal

2013 HD and ED Statistics (December)


Progeny results for sires 10_19 GSDCA HD Control Scheme
Progeny results for sires 20plus_GSDCA HD Control Scheme
Current Sires_Progeny results GSDCA HD Control Scheme


GSDCA Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme Progeny Results_via bloodlines_December 2013
GSDCA Elbow Progeny Result_Sires via percentage of normal_December 2013
GSDCA Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme Progeny Results_via current bloodlines_December 2013
GSDCA Current sires according to percentage of normals_30112013
Females _GSDCA Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme Results_November 2013 results 

Females_GSDCA ED Control Scheme Results_November 2013 percentage of normals 

2012 HD and ED Statistics (November)


Sires SDCA_Elbow_Dysplasia_Control_Scheme_Progeny_results_via_percentage_of_normal_November_2012
Sires GSDCA_Elbow_Dysplasia_Control_Scheme_Progeny_Results_via_bloodlines_November_2012

2011 HD and ED Statistics (November)

GSDCA HD Scheme, Sires Results November 2011 Sires with 20+ Progeny
GSDCA HD Scheme, Sires Results November 2011, Sires with 10-19 Progeny
GSDCA ED Scheme Results, November 2011. Sires with more than 10 Progeny (by bloodline)
GSDCA ED Scheme Results, November 2011 Sires with more than10 Progeny (by percentages of normals)