GSDCA Dogsport Working Party (GDWP)

The following motion as put to the GSDCA SGM on July 28th was carried by a majority vote:

GSDCA Motion:
Schedule 19(a) – “That the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia (GSDCA) shall put a submission to the ANKC that any of its club affiliated members who wish to participate in the sport of IPO, may do so providing it is done with full compliance of state or territory law.

The meeting agreed that the proposal to be put to the ANKC will see a case to have AD, BH & IPO – all FCI titles, recognised.

The members of the GSDCA Dogsport Working Party (GDWP) to write the submission are:

· Mr. Vince Tantaro- Chair, GSDCA President, GSDCA Breed Surveyor & Judge.
· Mr. Louis Donald- WUSV CDO, SV Foreign List Judge, GSDCA Breed Surveyor & Judge.
· Ms. Julie Urie- Obedience Chairperson, GSDCA & has experience in ANKC Obedience and Dogsport.
· Ms. Jacinta Poole- Editor GSDCA & member of GSDCV Management Committee.
· Ms. Karen Eaton- Treasurer GSDL, ANKC Tracking Judge & has experience in ANKC Obedience & Dogsport.
· Mr. John Fenner- GSDCA Breed Surveyor & Judge, Full Panel ANKC Obedience Judge.
· Dr. Sanne Pedersen- member GSDL & President WGSDCA- this organisation is not affiliated with ANKC however Sanne is experienced in Dogsport and her contribution will be most valued.

The working party is tasked with completing a submission which will hopefully be submitted to the ANKC by 1 November2017, following review by the GSDCA Member clubs.

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