All Official GSDCA Forms are available here

Download any relevant forms for your use


GSDCA Publications

QNR Private Subscription Form

Order Form for Golden Jubilee Edition (History of GSD in Australia)

Breed Survey Forms

GSDCA-BS1-Application-Form (for survey of dogs within state of domicile. To be completed by the owner of a dog being submitted for survey.)

GSDCA-BS2 Notification of failure – completed if an animal does not pass survey.

GSDCA-BS5 Recommendation for Breed Survey De-Classification


GSDCA-BS11-Breed Survey Report

GSDCA-BS12-Breed Survey Checklist

Breed Survey Books

The Breed Survey Year Book ceased production at the end of 2013. Back issues of this publication are still available. Please download the form below to order back issues of the Breed Survey Year Books.

BS Book Order Form (PDF)

Hereditary Diseases

Health Profile Report Form (Contents submitted on the form are confidential and for official use only.)
Haemophilia application form

Hip and Elbow Forms

Requirements for veterinarians at x-ray

To apply for a GSDCA Hip and Elbow Contract, visit here


Judges Extension Course application form

Long Stock Coat Verification Form

ANKC LSC Verification Form

Medallion Order Form

GSDCA Medallion Order form

National Obedience

Member Clubs GSDCA National Obedience Competitions

Application form GSDCA Obedience awards 2023
National Teams entry form

Semen Procedures

Dogs Australia semen procedure and forms_(Apr 2022)

Title Verification

Verification Form

Tooth Certificate

Application for Tooth Certificate

ZAP Assessment Form

ZAP Assessment Application Form Z1