Victorian Dog Legislation – Community Consultation Underway

Do the current laws and regulations relating to dangerous and restricted breed dogs encourage responsible dog ownership and protect the environment and the community?

The Victoria Legislative Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee has commenced an inquiry into the current legislative and regulatory arrangements governing dangerous and restricted breed dogs in Victoria.

The Committee invites submissions from individuals, groups or organisations with an interest in this important issue. All submissions are public documents unless confidentiality is requested and granted by the Committee.

Submissions must be relevant to the inquiries Terms of Reference which can be found at:

When making a submission please advise the Committee if you also wish to appear at a public hearing.

Please send submissions (electronic (word) documents are preferred) via: Email: or eSubmission: 

Post:     Michael Baker, Secretary, Economy & Infrastructure Committee, Parliament House, Spring Street, Melbourne VIC 3002

Closing date for submissions:  10 July 2015.

For further information please visit

View the full details and Terms of reference here

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